Saturday, October 27, 2012

What do we cook on ??

Equipment, ? Fancy or plain can still produce some great results. As a kid I can recall roasting birds and fish just over an open fire. And dang I thought they were pretty tasty, still do. Although I now have what I think are better cookers.
 I am really interested in knowing what other folks are using. I am always open to learning new ways of doing things. Hoping some of you will share your knowledge with me and others.
One thing I have learned about my cookers is knowing what they will do and how they do it. Getting to know your equipment is giving you more control over what you are trying to accomplish, better tasting food. And a few pats on the back and hearing Man that was good food sure helps.
 I have a stick burner side fire box and a smoke house. Each has its own use. I also use what is commonly called a UDS (ugly drum smoker) I will have more on that one in a different post.
The stick burner is just that, it heats and smokes with wood. And will make some really good BBQ. But requires tending to often to keep the temperature where you want it.
My Stick Burner.
Oklahoma Joe Original

The Smoke House.
Home built from wood, heated with gas and wood chips for smoke.

And the latest addition is the Ugly Smoker.
I must say this smoker works great. I have read about how good they were for years. But its the truth, got a 12 hour cook at 250° on 6 pounds of charcoal. And several splits of hickory wood. The secret is being able to control the fire with air control.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Meat Prices

Watching the news last week, I am hearing about the upcoming shortage of pork.
 That is not good news for anyone. Especially for sausage and bacon loving folks. But then yesterday on the same news channel. Oh, there is no shortage of pork we are just gonna charge more.
 In reality I think the price is going up because of the drought in the mid West. And the federal law that says we have to have ethanol in our fuel, Which is made from corn. So the shortage is cost of feed not animals.
 I am not sure about pork but here in our area beef animals are not being replaced, because of feed cost.
Anyway I am about out of bacon. So I called Sysco Food Service, who I have been buying pork belly's from. And got a quote of  $2.14 pound. I just bought some back in May at $1.59 pound. Up $.55 pound in 4 months. I called back and cried a little bit and got a better price $1.76 pound. I ordered 120 pounds. The vendor sells Farmland pork, I like their meat. So I will be busy for a few weeks curing and smoking. I dry sugar cure my bacon and smoke with hickory or pecan wood.
 I will say this, if you ever make your own bacon you will never eat the store bought bacon again.
Here is a photo of the last bacon I made. If you need the recipe drop a comment. Thanks Bill
The good Stuff: