Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas is almost here.

Christmas is almost up on us. I wont be doing much till after Christmas. I have some venison and pork butt in the freezer. Just waiting to be made into summer sausage. Its gonna be fun. Wishing all y'all a Merry Christmas. Bill

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We Have Bacon

In my last post, I posted the recipe and a photo of the pork belly with cure rubbed on the belly.
 Now here is the rest of the story.
The pork has been in the cooler for not quite ten days. Wife said she needed the room in the refrigerator. So you know what that means. Yep, you gotta move it. It was ready anyway.
So here is the photo proof that it really happened. Wish y'all had some. Once you make your own, you will never buy store Bacon again. Bill
Bacon in the Smoker:
Just about Finished:
Sliced and Looking Good:
Vacuum sealed Freezer Ready: