Saturday, August 8, 2015

I have a new Smoker!!!

My wife is the most lucky person I know of. Some time ago we both bought tickets from the local American Legion to win a new pistol. I bought 5 tickets wife bought 1. Yep, she won the pistol, 357 S&W hammerless, stainless steel engraved. Worth about $750.00.
 Several weeks ago she calls from the casino in La. I just won a large Big Green Egg smoker. Do you want it? I say heck yeah, I have never cooked on one but know people that do, and they say that it is one great smoker. So now we have a new smoker.
 Guess what it just got delivered, in a box and unassembled. So after more time than I want to admit to I finally got it put together.
Test Run:
Thin Blue Smoke:
Moving up to 250°:
Loin back ribs:
Finished, time to test:
Nice smoker I like it, just the right size for the wife and I. Past the taste test. I just had to throw on one wild hog sausage for me. Wife doesn't care for them.

 Really need to say this "Lucky", calls again from the casino. I just won a riding lawn mower, it will be delivered in couple weeks. I sure hope it is assembled.

Dino Bones

Beef ribs again per wife's request. But I like them also. I am still buying my ribs from our local mexican store. That is the only place I find beef ribs with meat on them. They are not cheap on sale, $3.95 pound. Untrimmed just like they came off the cow.
 Meaty Beef Ribs:
You won't find ribs like these in you local market, at least not walmart and other super markets.Got them trimmed up and ready.
 I rubed these with salt, black pepper and garlic powder. Let them rest the night in ice box. Then on to the smoker, smoking with hickory wood. Smoking indirecte on the kettle smoker at 275°. Although it was up to 300° couple times.
One hour in the smoker:
Now its just a waiting game. Beef ribs are a tough piece of meat, so is takes about 6 or so hours cooking time. As one of my friends says, don't rush it, it's ready when its ready.
Ready to chow down:
Plate full of rib: