Monday, November 5, 2012

Whats been Cooking.

Just a few ideas that have been going on at our house.
I call it GOOD EATS, bet you would to. Curing, Smoking meat and turning out some fine Bar-B-Que  is not that hard to do. Besides its a fun thing for the whole family and friends.
 Curing meat has been going on for hundreds of years.
Curing can be either wet or dry cure, I do both, depending on the cut of meat and the flavor profile I am trying to produce.
Bar-B-Que is taking a cheaper cut of meat and making something wonderful from it. Low heat and long cook. makes for good"Q"
Grilling is not bar-b-que, its grilling. Hot and fast cook, like a nice rib eye or T bone steak. And don't forget the burgers and hot dogs. And The blackened fish.
Sausage is another good food either smoked or fresh, I will save that for a later post. Thanks Bill
Picnic Ham: Hanging in the smokehouse.

Smoker Chicken
Bar-B-Que Pork Butt


  1. Hey Bill,

    It's Nick again. I saw your suggestion for curing chicken for the smokehouse on txbbqforum. I have to say I dont think I've ever had cured chicken other than sandwich slices from the deli. How do you eat it? Just make a meal like you would otherwise with chicken? Do you smoke it, then refridgerate it for later?


  2. Nick we just smoke it and eat like any cooked chicken. Its has a different flavor than BBQ. More of a ham flavor. Will also have a pink color when cooked. The color is from the cure. Not being under cooked. The recipe I use is here. Bill
