Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beef Brisket

 Beef  Brisket was on sale, hard to believe but I bought Choice Brisket at Wal-Mart for $1.49 pound.
I got six in my freezer right now. So am good for a while. No, I really only have five left because I smoked one. Just used salt, pepper and a very small amount of Mexican oregano. The Oregano was not a good choice. Won't be doing that again. The Brisket was good, it was just that the oregano flavor did not belong on a Brisket. Not a Texas Brisket anyway.
Smoked on the UDS (ugly drum smoker) Man I love that smoker, easy to use and holds the temperature really well. I used hickory and red oak for smoke. Smoked at about 225° for 8 hours. The internal temperature was 190° when I pulled and wrapped it. Let rest for 2 hours then sliced. Good eats!!!

Beef Brisket ready for smoker: 

Smoked and ready to enjoy:

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